What the Heck is “Barra”? (in Illustrations)
Barra is my grand space adventure I’ve been writing and illustrating since I was 14! Inspired by anime like Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, and Space Dandy. As well as Cartoons like Family Guy and even Power Rangers. The story's focus revolves around the main character “Green” a solo bounty hunter who tackles the highest bounties across the cosmos that range from fatal to just plain strange. With its episodic nature from bounty to bounty my goal is to flesh out different planets/areas with their own rules, people, creatures, architecture, technology, etc. Even the bounties themselves don’t need to follow any set rules. The explorations of these worlds are what I want to be the main excitement for the reader/viewer while learning more about “Green”. With those rules set my only limitation to tell a good story is my imagination. I hope I can share Barra with everyone soon.
You seem to use this pencil brush a lot what is it?
It’s called “tapered pencil” on CSP. It’s a legacy brush you’ll have to download it.